SFIA skills profiles for standard industry roles
A common initial use of the SFIA Framework is to define the skills and competencies needed to support an organisation’s role profiles. The SFIA Foundation recommends that organisations develop their own skills profiles rather than using off-the-shelf profiles of others without proper consideration. However, it is often difficult for those new to creating role profiles to see what can be done. By looking across the industry, across different countries and users we can provide a useful starting point for creating a SFIA-based skills profile for common roles. Some examples include an extensive set of roles organised as career paths.
Examples include:
- Australian public sector career pathways – a set of more than 160 roles defined
- Roles aligned to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08)
- USA National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) work roles
- SFIA 8 illustrative skills profiles
- Digital apprenticeships
SFIA views
SFIA views help users to identify the key elements of SFIA most relevant to particular environments such as specific professional disciplines, industry topics and approaches and complementary frameworks. SFIA is designed to be flexible and SFIA views are explanations of how SFIA can be applied in particular situations.
Current SFIA views include:
- Digital transformation
- Big Data / Data Science
- Information and cyber security
- DevOps
- Agile
- Software Engineering
- Enterprise IT
Other SFIA views are in development with input from the global SFIA user base.
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