SFIA mappings to industry frameworks
These help framework users adopt SFIA and help SFIA users access the specialist knowledge in these frameworks. Industry frameworks and bodies of knowledge provide a reliable insight into current industry working practices and priorities.
Good frameworks structure and categorise their information to help users navigate and understand the content. Mappings between frameworks help the users of both build and integrated view. This helps the adoption and adaption of both frameworks.
Everything is connected. The content of SFIA is broad-ranging and can connect different professional disciplines through its common language for skills and competency levels.
Bodies of Knowledge
SFIA recognises that knowledge is important but it does not include specific knowledge within the framework nor does it define the detailed knowledge required. SFIA chooses to actively promote bodies of knowledge that are developed by experts in the subjects and recognised widely by industry.
- Knowledge is highly context sensitive to particular industries, employers, technologies, methods, tools, jobs etc.
- Knowledge changes rapidly, and the responsibility for keeping up-to-date lies with the people who are leading, managing or doing the work
- There are often national interpretations of knowledge, e.g. legal and regulatory requirements
SFIA has identified around 50 industry bodies of knowledge and has provided links to these from the SFIA website. This resource is updated regularly as new bodies of knowledge are identified.
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