Signing in with different email addresses
You can use different email addresses (e.g. a personal and a business email, or different business accounts if you work with more than one organisation) if you wish. These are effectively treated as separate accounts as if they were from completely different people.
Different sign in methods with the same email address
If you use different sign in methods with the exact same email address (e.g. perhaps your business email and a password initially, then you sign in via your Microsoft account once your IT team enable this) we will recognise you as the same person, but the system will ask you to confirm this.
If your account has a password configured you will be asked to confirm the password the first time you use one of the Microsoft/Google/Facebook sign in methods.
If you use more than one of the Microsoft/Google/Facebook options you may need to set a password on your account (via the password reset option) so you can confirm your identify.
Once you use one of the Microsoft/Google/Facebook sign in options we recommend you continue using that as your main sign in method.
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